Saturday, May 16, 2009

Twins Blessing Day 5-10-2009....finally

The twins were finally blessed! It took a few cancellation and misunderstandings, but it is all done now. It almost turned into a joke with how much of a deal it turned into to get it done. It seemed to be one thing after another. It was a wonderful day and experience. It made for a perfect Mother's Day for me. The babies looked so cute, thanks to Julia for the cute tie and bow (her twins will also be wearing them we they are blessed next month).


Julia said...

oh my goodness! I'm so glad that tie and bow worked out so perfectly! They look so cute. Love Sid's dress. Can't wait until my babes wear the same thing in a couple of weeks.

Julia said...

PS. you look great!

Kohnie said...

Jess, The babies are so cute! I can't believe how fast they are growing up. Enjoy them, they will be all grown up before you know it.

Unknown said...

So cute Jess, isn't it sad how fast they grow up? I am missing Estella being so small. Sid's dress is really cute. You do look great!

Mom to the Fourth Power said...

Wow, they are getting so big and they are so adorable. What a beautiful family you have! :)

krista said...

they are SOOOOOO cute! and i can't believe how big they are already. they'll probably be 16 before i see them again. you guys should come to the reunion at bear lake this summer. i know it's a long way for you, but it would be so good to see you!

and happy late birthday too!