Friday, May 22, 2009

31 years old now

I cannot believe I am in my 30's. Time seems to be going by so fast. I had a very uneventful, but enjoyable birthday. Zak took the day off and let me sleep in and he did my job for the day while I did... nothing. I loved it. Every year for Zak and the kids birthday I decorate the night before. So Zak did it this year for me. He used all of my leftover scrapes from previous birthdays. One of the streamers he used said "birthday girls first birthday". He did quite an interesting is the thought that counts though . One year he bought Dora the Explorer decorations for me. Zak and the kids also made me a chocolate cake that turned out very yummy. All in all it was a good day.


Heather Reed said...

That is so cool! I am glad you had a nice birthday and got the day off! I love the decorations =) Tell the family hello for me.

Mel said...

Happy Birthday! I am glad you had a day to do fun! We do the streamer thing to, kind of a fun tradition!

Julia said...

How nice that he tried. And to have the whole day without a single sandwich to make or bum to wipe is awesome!

Unknown said...

That's cute he decorated, having a day off is a nice Birthday present. Way to go Zach! Are you guys planning any vacations to Utah?