Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese

Yesterday we went to my nephew Deacon's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. We have not been there in a long time. My kids had tons of fun. It was hard for me to keep track of all the kids. I kept losing Ruby.


krista said...

Looks like we both went to Chuck E. Cheese this week, isn't it the greatest place?? Jake and I were wanting to get out of there the moment we stepped in!!

Julia said...

Don't you just hate that! I always lose Ava everywhere too. They are so quick at that age.

melandriley said...

My kids love chuck e cheese also. I always feel like I need to give them a shower in Purell when we leave though.

Anonymous said...

I have never taken Haley to Chuck e cheese! I am waiting as long as possible! How are you! call me! Little Ruby is not a baby anymore! I can't believe how grown up she looks!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.