Friday, December 19, 2008

RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus)

I have been trying so hard to keep the twins inside and the germs away. RSV is a virus that can be dangerous if preemie babies get it because it can go down into their lungs and cause breathing problems. To adults and older kids it is just a bad cold. RSV season just started over here and with our luck, most of us got it including Shae. Shae started coughing on a Thursday night and by Sunday he was having trouble breathing so we had to go to the emergency room. He was admitted and put on oxygen. There was not much they could do except watch his oxygen level and suction him out. I was so scared because babies can get extremely sick from this. Well Shae pulled through and is recovering well. He only had to stay at the hospital until Wednesday and he is doing much better. Kai and Ruby have been coughing non stop and now both have ear infections. Peyton just told me today that she thinks she is sick and unfortunately Sydney is now showing symptoms. I hope Sydney's does not go into her lungs otherwise we will be back in the hospital. It had been fun times here at the Heath house. 2008 as been one of our most challenging years.


Unknown said...

Oh Jess, I am sorry to hear that. Chloe has been non stop sick too and she is always in Estellas face so she gets everything Chloe has. I hope they all get feeling better, you have had a difficult year. I am sure this next year will be better for you.

Unknown said...

Gosh seems like when it rains it pours, doesn't it. You are being tried to your breaking point. You are a tuff girl who has an amazing testimony! You keep inching along even when you feel like you can't. Someday the clouds will open and you will leaping instaed of inching along! I love you and I hope you know I would do anything for you!

melandriley said...

Dang that is scary. Spencer got RSV when he was 3 weeks old, it was really scary so I know how you feel, but to have 2 babies sick would not be good. I hope everything starts looking up for you guys. I am also very sorry to hear about your sister. I hope all of your family, especially her kids and husband are doing okay.

Mel said...

Your worst fear came true. I am so sorry! What a bummer. Next year has to be a better year!