Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First day of school

I am a little late in posting this, school started two weeks ago. I had to go to the hospital for a few days and am now on bed rest. Everything is fine, I just have to stay down and take medication to control the contractions. So far so good.
I have kind of had a hard time with school starting this year. My sweet Peyton is gone all day now and I miss her. I was also so sad to have Kai start kindergarten. He seems so little to me. I think it is the pregnancy hormones making things worse because I have been so emotional about it.


Julia said...

Love Kai in his glasses. I keep forgetting he has them.

Peyton is beautiful, but needs a haircut. :)

Kohnie said...

I cannot believe how fast your kids are growing up. Peyton reminds me exactly of you when you were little!! So cute.

...m a n d i ... said...

Your kids are SOO cute! I miss Peyton! ask her if she remembers me and tell her I said Hello! As well as Kai. They're the cutest kids in the world!