Saturday, August 22, 2009


A week or 2 ago, Shae started pulling himself up to stand. When he does it, the look on his face is so funny. He looks so proud of himself. Again, Sydney is happy just sitting in one place.


Unknown said...

I can't believe how fast the twins are growing. Well I guess I can because Estella is right up there too. I love Shae's two teeth on the bottom, Estella has the same two going on. How are you managing with 5 kids? I am sure you are a busy women!

Alycia said...

Jessica, your kids are so cute! I'm not sure where I found your blog but I hope you don't mind that I read it... I also STILL have your pans in our car, I'll have to drop them off at your house sometime. Sorry it's taken so long!