Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Twins 2 months

I decided to keep the picture of the twins crying because that is a true representation of how they are. They seem to join in together in crying harmony quite often.


Julia said...

They are so tiny still and oh so cute. Wish I were there to squeeze them.

Amie said...

Your babies are so cute. Having one baby cry is hard enough, I can't imagine two. Keep warm & Merry Christmas.

Unknown said...

Jess are your babies doing better? I have been thinking about you and them. Those pictures are so cute! We have been getting a ton of snow here too. Normally I do hate it but it doesn't make it so bad when you are pretty much stuck home with a baby. I hope you had a good Christmas!

Anonymous said...

wow. how cute and I just can not wrap my mind around having two that small at the same time!

Beth Adams said...

Those are the most adorable pictures. I am amazed at how great you look for having little ones that small.