Friday, October 31, 2008

At 32.2 weeks I had the babies!

I finally have a minute to post. It has been a crazy month! My baby boy's heartbeat kept going down and the doctors could not figure out why and they were concerned that he may not be doing very good so I had to have a Cesarean section. I was so scared and have had a hard time dealing with them having to be born. In the end the babies are doing very well. I think the doctors made the right decision.


Unknown said...

Marti called and told me about the babies being taken c-section. I am so so glad that everything went well and that the babies are doing good. They look great, I am sure it breaks your heart to see them hooked up to all the machines. Good thing they won't remember any of that. I can't believe you have 5 kids. If anyone can handle that many kids it would be you! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jess. They are so sweet and tiny. I can't believe it! I'm so glad they are going to be okay. Congrats!!! I hope to meet them soon!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jess. They are so sweet and tiny. I can't believe it! I'm so glad they are going to be okay. Congrats!!! I hope to meet them soon!

Kohnie said...

Congratulations! We are are very excited for you and your family. Looks like you have your work cut out for you for the next while. Wish we lived closer so we could see them before they are all grown up!!